Integrating Social Media in Your Organization
with Jo-Carolyn Goode
Take away a practical strategy and techniques for implementing a social strategy for your organization or business. Learn the top five considerations when starting a social network as well as tips to manage an online community. Discover how to create your own private social network using the Ning platform. Discuss the top tools to use to manage your social media life and build integration into your website. See how Google Docs and Calendars work and how to use online video to further your business goals. Hear about mobile check-in applications and how companies are using coupon and deal sites. Get your company listed properly on local search engines so more customers can find you. Discuss how web design has changed and get feedback on your website while discovering usability testing and user interface design. Finally, learn how to manage this influx of information created by the new media revolution. Develop a manageable workflow and get productivity tips to be more efficient. Learn what you might be doing wrong in social media as well as essential policies to have in place for your employees and company. See what trends are on the horizon and where your goals fit with those new trends.
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