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Places to Go
in Personal Enrichment
Walking Tour of Laurel Hill
with Ron Romano

Laurel Hill Cemetery in Saco was designed in the middle 1800s to encourage visitation. Its inviting pathways, sloping landscapes, and lush plantings (including an incredible display of daffodils each spring) provide a backdrop for a fine variety of gravestone styles, materials, and symbols. Our stroll through this beloved cemetery will take about 90 minutes. Two identical tours will run the same day, at noon and again at 2:00pm. Register early…this tour usually sells out.
Walking Tour of Greenwood Cemetery
with Ron Romano

Greenwood Cemetery is a hidden gem! Established in the mid-1800s when other “garden” cemeteries arose, Greenwood offers a wide variety of gravestone materials, monument forms, symbolism, and epitaphs from the nineteenth century. Cemetery historian Ron Romano will share the best that Greenwood has to offer, pausing to visit the graves of some who were lost at sea, taken down by disease, died by suicide, and even murder. The stroll along the winding pathways of this pleasant burial space will take about 90 minutes. Two identical tours will run the same day, at noon and again at 2:00pm.